Deer Songs: A Chicano Codex Coloring Book by Israel Francisco Haros Lopez
Deer Songs: A Chicano Codex Coloring Book by Israel Francisco Haros Lopez PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This Chicano Codex Coloring book is for both children and adults. This codex reflex on the deer and the medicine of the deer. The codex coloring book series are recalling, exploring and expanding the codices left behind by our ancestors. The imagery found in these texts are inspired by azteca, maya, toltecs, yaqui images but inspire the individual to continue to create not simply copy ancestral work. If we are to continue to thrive, identify and redefine the imagery and meaning left behind by our predecessors we have to re-evision, adapt and create new codices. For Bulk orders and more savings please contact artist @ waterhummingbirdhouse@gmail.comFrom reader reviews:
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