Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Misfit: Dealing with Our God-Given Discomfort by Chris Durso

Misfit: Dealing with Our God-Given Discomfort by Chris Durso

Misfit: Dealing with Our God-Given Discomfort

Misfit: Dealing with Our God-Given Discomfort by Chris Durso PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Just choosing to follow Jesus isn’t enough. But for many teenagers, the choices that come along with living for Jesus can be unpopular and difficult. Their own doubts, fears, and disbelief often get in the way of the amazing things God wants to do through them. Misfit helps teens see what it means to be a misfit like Jesus was, and gives them tools to make world-changing decisions even when it seems like they’re going the opposite direction of the world around them. In this practical study, teens will discover that they don’t have to conform to the rest of the world, and they’ll recognize that they can actually work to change the things in the world that are wrong. Ultimately, teenagers will realize that if they stop making excuses and get out of the way of their own negativity, God will use them to change the world. With discussion questions after each chapter, readers will walk away from Misfit ready to jump into the world and go against the current so they can do unimaginable things.

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Misfit: Dealing with Our God-Given Discomfort by Chris Durso EPub

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