Enchantress (The Evermen Saga) by James Maxwell
Enchantress (The Evermen Saga) by James Maxwell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An empire divided by magic. A nation on the brink of rebellion.
After losing their parents in the last doomed uprising, two siblings will find themselves at the center of an epic struggle for power.
When Ella witnesses an enchanter saving her brother's life, she knows what she wants to be. But the elite Academy expects tuition fees and knowledge. Meanwhile her brother, Miro, dreams of becoming one of the world's finest swordsmen, wielding his nation’s powerful enchanted weapons in defense of his homeland.
After Miro departs for war, the void he leaves in Ella's life is filled by a mysterious foreigner, Killian. But Killian has a secret, and Ella’s actions will determine the fate of her brother, her homeland, and the world.
Published in 2014, the highly acclaimed Evermen Saga is a worldwide bestseller.
Revised edition: This edition of Enchantress includes editorial revisions.
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