Be Heroic (Minor Prophets): Demonstrating Bravery by Your Walk by Warren W. Wiersbe
Be Heroic (Minor Prophets): Demonstrating Bravery by Your Walk by Warren W. Wiersbe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
We all admire the hero. That person who’s celebrated for accomplishing big things in the face of even bigger odds. Yet heroes aren’t defined by their circumstances, but by their choices. They’re people who continually choose to serve others, even when no one is watching, and without expecting credit. Based on the books of Ezra, Haggai, and Zechariah, this study examines three unsung heroes of the Bible who can inspire us today.
Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s best-selling “BE” commentary series, BE Heroic has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A respected pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe shares small ways we can make a big impact. Because when it’s all about being a servant, we all have what it takes to be a hero.
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