Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Lady Knight by L-J Baker

Lady Knight by L-J Baker

Lady Knight

Lady Knight by L-J Baker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Rhiannon, outcast and female knight, seeks a cause worthy of a chivalric hero in a medieval world of magic and misogyny. Eleanor, a wealthy widow, has given up all hero of finding passionate love and her perfect knight—until she meets Rhiannon. Aveline, a powerful priestess, needs a warrior for her secret mission of starting a holy war. She binds Rhiannon with double-edged oaths and a magical sword.
A love affair worthy of troueroours' songs clashes with loyalty, intrigue, ambition, and war, tangling the three women in a web that perhaps not even Rhiannon's sword can cut through.

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